Maximizing SVG Integration in React: A Comprehensive Guide

what is svg in react

In the realm of React development, harnessing the potential of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) can significantly enhance the visual appeal of web applications. In this guide, we’ll explore various methods of using and rendering SVGs in React, accommodating different project configurations and preferences.

React SVG Logo: A Visual Starting Point

Before diving into the intricacies, let’s establish a baseline with a React SVG logo. This logo will serve as our visual element, and we’ll explore different ways to seamlessly incorporate it into a webpage.

what is svg in react 2
Code a visual starting point


Leveraging Different Approaches

1. Using the <img> Tag for Static SVGs

To employ the <img> tag for static SVGs, a file loader system needs to be set up. The webpack configuration depends on the webpack version being used.

For webpack 4:

what is svg in react 3
Code webpack 4


For webpack 5, utilize asset modules:

what is svg in react 4
code webpack 5


Now, the SVG can be imported and used in the <img> tag:

what is svg in react 5
code <img>


2. Using the <svg> Element

Copying and pasting the contents of the .svg file directly into the code allows the use of the <svg> element. However, this method may lead to code bloat for complex images.

what is svg in react 6
code <svg>


3. Using SVG as a React Component

Create React App (CRA) facilitates using SVG as a React component. The file is not loaded separately; instead, it’s rendered along with the HTML.

what is svg in react 7
code using svg as a react component


4. Using SVGR

SVGR is a powerful tool that converts SVGs into React components. Setting it up involves installing the package and updating the webpack configuration.Now, SVG images can be imported and used as React components:

what is svg in react 8
Code svgr


Now, SVG images can be imported and used as React components:

what is svg in react 9
code react component


5. Using SVG as a Data URL

Data URLs, prefixed with the data: scheme, allow embedding small files inline in documents. The svg-url-loader can be used with webpack for this purpose.

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Code using SVG as a data url


Now, the SVG file can be imported and used in React:

what is svg in react 11
code svg imported react


Enhancing Maintainability with react-svg

Injecting SVG directly into React components may increase file size, making maintenance challenging. To overcome this, the react-svg package can be utilized. It fetches SVG asynchronously and embeds it inline.

what is svg in react 12
code react svg
what is svg in react 13
code react svg 2



Effectively integrating SVGs into React applications involves choosing the method that aligns with project requirements and configurations. Whether opting for simplicity with the <img> tag, leveraging the <svg> element, using SVG as React components with or without tools like SVGR, employing Data URLs, or enhancing maintainability with react-svg, developers have a range of options to create visually stunning and scalable web graphics.